Thursday, November 12, 2009

I believe in Art above any religion.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

I believe in Art above any religion.

I believe Art elevates the soul.
I believe in the human spirit of kindness.
I don't believe in wasting life pursuing materialist dreams of greed.
I don't believe in politicians, flags or nations.
I believe in education, anarchy, spirituality and science.
I believe in a true global world; in which everyone has the essential freedom required to make their own decisions concerning their own life and Dreams.
I believe in night and day, I believe in DNA.
I believe in higher states of conscience.
I believe that even though I'm mostly atheist; I could only believe in such God, that in time of religious war; would allow me to turn my back on any and all religions before being forced to harm another human in his name.
I believe when scared... I believe in sacred.
I believe in history, inspiration, passion and devotion.
I believe I'll always be with my loved family and friends.
I believe all my friends are soldiers
I believe in forgiveness, love at first sight and more beyond first impressions
I believe I'm getting old, sick and dying, I believe I've done it a thousand times.
I believe Art has healing powers that go beyond self
I believe through Art I discover and elevate my true spirit.
I believe spirit is the life force,
I believe in the spirit of Art.
I believe I'll live when I'm dead.

I believe in Art above any religion.